Born and raised in Arizona, with a B.A. in Global Health, and a M.S. in the Science of Healthcare Delivery from Arizona State University, my only fear in life is not being able to leave an everlasting and positive impact on the world we all live in. With a focus on health in a global and holistic approach, I believe it is imperative to understand that health is an extremely dynamic function of society, which will always contribute to a domino-effect of societal, cultural, political, and economic change. Today health is without doubt global in nature, ingrained deeply in human history and in a global scale; the challenges presented today in health care rarely remain within national borders. With this understanding, I believe we can help the world overcome many of the newly emerging health disparities that plague us today.
My goal is to attain as much experience and knowledge as possible in this world, while expanding in the field of technology & medicine. With a strong interest in epidemiology, pathology, technology, and other paradigms of scientific research and knowledge, my ultimate goal is to leave an impact where it is needed in my World.

What is Global Health?
Global Health is the area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Thus, Global Health is about worldwide improvement of health, reduction of disparities, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders.

Current research in process of publication, Internet Search Queries, and What They Tell Us. A study on trends and correlations between internet search queries and health.

International Travel
Study abroad in New Zealand and Fiji in summer of 2010 with ASU. Personal travel around the world including Italy, London, Turkey, Spain, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Dubai.